Golden Healer Crystal Point Towers

Kinesi Living

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Golden Healer Crystal Tower Point 

Ahhh the GOLDEN HEALER - a staple in any collection - lets understand why....

Golden Healer is a crystal known to open up energy fields. This allows a freer dynamic to come into your body and surroundings, opening you up to even more possibilities. Many people meditate to let their consciousness reach up and into something higher - Golden Healer’s benefits do just that.

Golden Healer Quartz can help you stay in control when dealing with challenging family dynamics. The energy of Golden Healer Quartz is not intended to heal your relationship with your family, but rather to help you cope with it. Isn't a family I've encountered that couldn't use a bit of this!! 😉💜

These gorgeous 8-10cm points will do their thing and look spectacular in your collection. 

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